A.G.T. Online Parts Store Is Live
In June, A.G.T. began offering various gauge parts for sale through our new online store.

Divided into categories for easy navigation, the new online store allows our customers to purchase most of the common spare parts needed to keep their AGT400, Gamma 100, Gamma 200 and Loral/DMC/Weston gauges operational.
We offer cables, FETs, fuses, lamps, circuit boards, computers and many other gauge components. With the ease of a few mouse clicks these parts can be on their way to you with no muss and no fuss. Save time by ordering the parts you need, or stock up on spare parts at your convenience.
The A.G.T. online parts store accepts various forms of payment including Visa, Mastercard, Discover, PayPal and even purchase order number to be invoiced for our current customers.
AGT400 Tech Tip
Proper shut down of the AGT400 system is critical to the longevity and proper performance of your gauge. The AGT400 software is designed to automatically save, maintain and update certain operating parameters each time the program is properly closed. By not shutting down properly, the system can lose critical information such as calibration details, software settings, and system setup information. Properly shutting down the system can also prevent operating system corruption which can cause costly system repairs.
To properly shut down the AGT400 gauge please do the following. Turn the MODE key on the electronics shelf to PROGRAM. Then click the exit button twice. This will exit the AGT400 software to the operating system. Select the Microsoft Windows Start button in the lower left corner of the screen and then select Shut Down. Depending on the gauge and operating system, the machine may turn off by itself or instruct you to turn off the power. Please do not cut power to the gauge computer or turn the computer off by the computer breaker switch on the electronics shelf without following these steps as data corruption could result.
New AGT400 Software Features
We began installing the latest version of AGT400 software during our June semi-annual customer visits. Many new features and updates have been added and some of the major ones include the live display of exit coil diameter on the main operating screen and the ability to export shift summary reports to Excel spreadsheets by our AGT400 Offline Data Analysis software. These and future updates require the use of Windows XP or Windows 7 and will not work on older Windows 98 based gauges. If these features interest you and you currently have a Windows 98 based gauge please contact us to discuss your upgrade options. Otherwise, watch for these new features during your next semi-annual inspection. As always, software updates are installed at no cost for existing customers.
Tales From The Road by John Fearing
“I was training Chad and we were in Detroit. It was December and the temperatures were in the mid 40s. They were having a rare December thunderstorm and the rain was pretty heavy. Chad and I were driving I-75 north on our way to Marathon Metals for a 7:00 AM service visit. The traffic was surprisingly light. This was before the rebuilding of I-75 and it had some pretty severe potholes. Because it was still before dawn and it was raining, you could not see the potholes. I hit one going 65 miles per hour and it destroyed the tire and rim on the driver’s side front tire. The rear rim got bent but still held air.
So here I am on the side of the highway with a flat tire in the cold December rain. As some of you know, my trunk is pretty full of spare parts. I had to take all my parts out and shove them into the back seat, so I could get the spare out. I got the spare and proceeded to put the spare on. This is where the fun happens. I was not the only car to hit the pothole. Besides having pot holes the old highway also had ruts in the lanes from the big trucks and these ruts acted like mini canals. As I am bending over finishing up placing the tire lugs back on, another car comes along and hits the pothole. They drive through the rut directly behind me and a literal wave of really cold water flows over my back. I could not have gotten more wet by jumping into a pool. Chad had been standing at the back of the car and he witnessed the whole thing. I remember looking at him and he was biting his tongue to keep from laughing. I finished tightening the lugs and put everything away.
When we got to Marathon Steel, I had to use their restroom to change my clothes. I was so wet all my receipts and cash in my wallet were wet. I can laugh about it now but that Detroit pot hole cost me a new tire and two new rims for the car.”