Radiation/Am241 Information

When many people hear the words radiation, nuclear, isotope, and/or source, they are often intimidated by them. Some people will ask if they will start to glow, and guys will also wonder if they ‘will be able to have kids’ sometime down the road. The truth is, these are two common misconceptions about the sources that are used in our non-contact thickness gauges. In reality, they are very safe and harmless as long as a few precautions are followed.
The AGT400 thickness gauge uses a one Curie (37GBq) source called Americium 241. This is a very low level Gamma emitter that poses a minimal risk. However, there are a few simple things that need to be done to ensure your isotope source is functioning safely, correctly, and legally.
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- The source MUST have a radiation leak test done every six months. This is not only for safety, but is also required by law. Additionally, this leak test MUST be completed by a licensed company. Gauge owners need to ensure that they are having this testing done.
- The source indicator lamps must be working correctly and must be visible from the c-frame. The green indicator is lit when the shutter is in the closed position, meaning that the source head is safe to approach. The red indicator is lit when the shutter is in the open position, meaning that there is radiation being emitted, and the source head is not safe to approach. These lamps are checked for the correct functionality and operation during semi-annual leak tests, and the lamps are repaired/replaced as needed.
- It is illegal and potentially dangerous for someone other than a licensed company to open the source head for repair. In addition, if the source head needs to be removed from the c-frame for any reason, it must be done by a licensed company.
- If a source is to be moved to another location, the source will have to be properly packaged by a licensed company in a Department of Transportation approved container for shipping radioactive material. Once that is done, sample shipping paperwork, as well as a sample transfer letter should be provided. A shipping company that can carry hazardous materials will then be contacted to schedule a pickup. Once the source is shipped, your transfer letter will need to be mailed to the appropriate agency.
- Contact A.G.T. with any source related questions!
Referral Rewards
Every so often, we get a referral from one of our existing customers that leads to a new gauge sale someplace we’ve never been before. We have decided that in 2009, we would like to reward our loyal customers that give us these leads. So, a new policy that we are implementing immediately is that for any referral given to us by one of our customers, which leads to a gauge order, the referring customer will get their normal semi-annual service for one gauge free for one year! This offer will only apply to new customers that we have not heard about or quoted on in the past.
Recent Gauge Sales
It’s been a while since we’ve had a Recent Gauge Sales section of the Gauging Times, so here is a list of some of the gauges we have received orders for.
Alliance Steel L.L.C. | Bedford Park | Illinois | U.S.A. |
Allied Tube & Conduit | Harvey | Pennsylvania | U.S.A. |
ArcelorMittal* | La Magona | Italy | |
CMI Severstahl* | Cherepovets | Vologda Oblast | Russia |
Demsey & Associates | Cleveland | Ohio | U.S.A. |
Feralloy Corporation | Granite City | Illinois | U.S.A. |
Fulton County Processing | Delta | Ohio | U.S.A. |
Heidtman Steel Products | Erie | Michigan | U.S.A. |
Jemison Demsey Metals | Sumter | South Carolina | U.S.A. |
Magic Steel Sales, L.L.C. | Grand Rapids | Michigan | U.S.A. |
Matandy Steel | Hamilton | Ohio | U.S.A. |
Servilamina Summit | Queretaro | Queretaro | Mexico |
Steel Technologies Inc. | Woodstock | Ontario | Canada |
We wish to thank all of our customers for making us the #1 gauging company in the service center market once again!